How to Italianize a Mexican
I re-read my entry about my lone copy of Topolino, and it hit me like Ignatz' brick hitting the back of Krazy's head.
Aldo Carenni, indeed! No wonder there's no Italian cartoonist by this name. "The Adventures of Matteo Garrese" is another American import! Matteo is really Ted Strong, the short-lived 1935 western strip by Al Carreno, a Mexican cartoonist who emigrated to the USA to pursue a long career in comics, winding up as president of the National Cartoonists' Society! Another wonderful example of ethnic metamorphosis!
(Unfortunately I could find no examples of Ted Strong online...there may be one on one of the pay sites. Sadly, unlike some of you I can't afford the $70 and up annual fees.)
By the way, lest you think only the Italians practiced this forced repatriation, consider the French language reprint of the first Virus story. Fine upstanding Italian Walter Molino became the fine upstanding Frenchman W. Molineaux!
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